Share Your Luminology Story

Congratulations on being a part of the Luminology family, a growing community of women who are embracing their lives during this beautiful season of change.

Let’s grow and strengthen our community.Share your story with thousands of other women who, like you,are actively restoring vibrancy, energy and well-being during one of the most pivotal turning points of a woman’s life. Tell us how Luminology has helped change your life, impart your words of wisdom and empower your Luminology family!

You can either tell your story by writing or submitting a three-minute video by adding a YouTube link to your submission.We’re here and ready to listen, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

Recent Story

“I am writing today to express my gratitude and excitment over the results that I am receiving from taking the new Breeze formula.

For more than a decade I have suffered with horrible insomnia related to menopause and for the last 2 years approximately I have had terrible hot flashes. Both of these symptoms of menopause have negatively affected my quality of life. I have tried every product out there to help me sleep and relieve these issues from valerian, passionflower,ashwaganda, melatonin, natural progesterone from the naturopath, etc.. with very little improvement if any.

When I received the email introducing the new luminology line, I was so excited. I just knew that this would be a quality product coming from Hallelujah Diet. So I wasted no time in purchasing it. I want to say that I have been taking it faithfully every night, just two capsules for about 2-3 weeks max. In just about a weeks time I began to notice that my hot flashes not only diminished, but that they altogether disappeared! Praise the Lord. And I only awaken once or twice in the night, whereas before I was waking anywhere from 4-8 times! I feel like a new person! I cannot tell you how grateful and amazed I am. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing this product. Just today I purchased 2 more and am sharing with anyone who will listen, my great results.

Claire S.”

We Want To Hear From You

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Your Testimony

Do you have a video testimony that you want to share with us? If So add your YouTube link at the end of your testimony.